Scrabble word lists

A list of the word lists! See our resources below.

These lists below follow words starting, containing and ending in specific letters.


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How to Use Our Word Lists

  1. Select your list. Scroll our list of lists to find what you’re looking for. Once you’ve clicked your chosen list, you’ll be taken to a separate page.
  2. Depending on what list you’ve chosen, you might have to enter extra parameters. For instance, if you click the ‘All words that start with…’ list, our tool will ask you to enter which starting letter you’d like to use. Then you will be taken to the list. For other lists, like the ‘All words that start with Z’ list, you will be taken directly to the information.
  3. Decide how you’d like to sort your list. For some of our longer lists, you can choose how to sort results. Our tools have options for ordering lists alphabetically, by length, by Scrabble points, or by WWF points. Select which sorting method you’d like to use under the search bar. You can also choose if you’d like your results to be in ascending or descending order.
  4. Decide if you’d like to filter by word length. Some of our lists allow you to specify a word length if you know you’re only looking for a certain type of word. You can sort by words of 2 to 15 letters, or you can search for words of all lengths.
  5. Make sure your words are valid in your game! Our tool generates all words valid either in SOWPODS, the Tournament Word List, or the Words with Friends dictionary. Most of these words overlap, but there are some words contained only in SOWPODs, some only in the TWL, and others only allowed in WWF. Some of our lists have color-coding to distinguish between dictionaries. When color-coding pops up, keep in mind that green words can be used in any game, but red can only be used in SOWPODS. Likewise, purple words only exist in TWL, and blue words are only allowed in Words with Friends.


How do you like our Scrabble Word Lists? Did you find them useful, or are there more features you’d like to see added? Feel free to reach out to us using the Contact link in the footer to tell us how you use our list and to give us any suggestions for improvements!

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WORD SCRAMBLE. THE WORD FINDER located on the website