Word Cookies: Smoothie Level 19 Answers

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Answers - smoothie Level 19

1. CEDE 2. CITE 3. CITED 4. DECEIT 5. DEVICE 6. DICE 7. DIE 8. DIET 9. DIVE 10. EDICT 11. EDIT 12. EVE 13. EVICT 14. EVICTED 15. ICE 16. ICED 17. TEE 18. TEED 19. TIC 20. TIDE 21. TIE 22. TIED 23. VET 24. VICE 25. VIE 26. VIED

The Smoothie Levels are part of the Prevalent Pack in Word Cookies. Smoothie has 20 levels. The Prevalent pack contains 5 Sections.

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