0 Results

Here is a list of all the possible words from the game grid entered. Please tap / click a word to see path taken to make the word.

Word Hunt Solver

Welcome to our Word Hunt Solver! If you’re stuck in a series of Game Pigeon word puzzles, we can help you find the solutions you need. 

How to Use Our Word Hunt Solver

  1. Move quickly. You don’t want to waste so much time checking out the cheats that you miss your opportunity to actually play the puzzle! Be sure to pause your game before you use this tool, or enter your letters into the grid as fast as possible.
  2. Enter your letters into the grid. Our solving tool has a grid that mimics the 4 x 4 grid in the Word Hunt game. Enter your letters into this grid exactly as they appear in the game. This helps our tool to know what you’re working with.
  3. Click the green solve button. Once you click the solve button, a list of solutions will pop up beside the grid. We organize results from the highest-value words to the lowest-value words, allowing you to focus on those options that will give you the best chance of winning.
  4. But don’t get greedy! Word Hunt is a two-player game. Your opponent might be fully aware you’re using this tool and condone the assistance. But let’s be honest: that’s probably not the case. Look, we get it, we’ve all been there! But don’t get too cocky. If you come out guns blazing in your next game by playing a bunch of long, obscure scientific terms your opponent is probably going to know that you’re getting some outside help. Start more subtly and scroll to find realistic options. 
  5. Click on the puzzle answer to get guidance about where to find the word. Even once our tool gives you the solution, you might have a hard time finding it on the board. Simply click on the solution suggested to get a step-by-step outline displayed about how to locate the word on your board.
  6. Want to start over for a new game? Hit the reset button. Enter new letters! Hopefully this helps you develop a better sense of what words are playable within any given boggle (word hunt) puzzle.

Word Hunt (Game Pigeon) Solver

Not to be confused with the Word Hunt app, the Game Pigeon app is a really cool tool that allows you to play games within your text chains! Word Hunt is similar to Boggle, without individual scoring for certain letters. All points are based on the word length of words found.

Word Length Point Values


Bonus points

GamePigeon does not score each individual letter differently in Word Hunt. This is different than traditional games like Scrabble, but allows the player not to worry about using high scoring letters in the game. Just make as many (and as long) words as you can!

  • 3 letter word = 100 points
  • 4 letter word = 400 points
  • 5 letter word = 800 points
  • 6 letter word = 1400 points
  • 7 letter word = 1800 points
  • 8 letter word = 2200 points

What is Game Pigeon?

Game Pigeon is an iMessage app that can be used on iPhones. Essentially, Game Pigeon includes a series of simple, intuitive games that can be sent back and forth to players over iMessage. It has the benefit of not requiring a separate app to play each game, meaning it’s harder to forget you’re playing halfway through. However, Game Pigeon is not yet available to Android players, so as fun as it can be, it’ll be a pastime for you and your Apple-loving friends only.

There are lots of activities on Game Pigeon, including three different word games: Anagrams, Word Hunt, and Word Bites. These games are all riffs off of popular games, with Anagrams being based on Scrabble, Word Hunt being based on Boggle with Friends, and Word Bites offering a sort of modified version of Scrabble, in which players can move segments of words instead of only individual letters.

Outside of wordplay, Game Pigeon offers a range of different games including different versions of sports. Their basketball, darts, and archery games are particularly interesting. Or if you’re looking for a way to keep card games and board games popular in the digital age, you can compete against your friends in Crazy 8, Connect 4, Checkers, and Mancala. 

Best Tips for Word Hunt

Looking to up your Word Hunt game so you don’t have to come back to this page next time? Here are a few tips:

  1. Don’t be afraid to swipe randomly. One of the biggest benefits of digital word hunt games is that they’ll tell you if you found a solution you weren’t expecting. Take advantage of that: when stumped, drag your finger randomly!
  2. Start small. Words like ‘CAT’ and ‘EYE’ might not be very long or impressive, but hey, they’re still worth points. A bunch of short words can end up outweighing even a couple long terms found by your opponent.
  3. Take advantage of common ending words. Don’t be afraid to riff off a good letter combo once you’ve found it. CAT can lead to BAT and SAT and MAT and THAT, depending on what other letters you might find on your board.

Feedback on Our Word Hunt Solver

Did you enjoy our Word Hunt solver, or are there features you’d like to see added? Let us know using the feedback button below. Also let us know if there are any other Game Pigeon activities you’d like to see a cheat board for. Or check out some of our other cheat tools, including our Wordfeud Board Solver and our Boggle with Friends solver.

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WORD SCRAMBLE. THE WORD FINDER located on the website https://www.thewordfinder.com/