How Many Words Are There in the English Language?

Maybe you’re a parent, and your kid is coming home each week with increasingly extensive vocab lists. Or maybe you’re a student yourself, and...
using X in scrabble

Effective ways to use the letter “X” in Scrabble

Here’s how to use the letter “X” in your next game of Scrabble! (or Words with Friends!) Are you ever “stuck” with the letter...
Scrabble Words with Friends

Scrabble Vs. Words With Friends

Differences Between Scrabble and Words with Friends In the age of smartphones, computers, and digital apps, it can be hard to hold your attention...

APPealing Word Games You Won’t Be Able To Stop Playing

7 of the best Word Game apps in the App Store deliver high quality, challenging content, and a user experience so good you’ll become...
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WORD SCRAMBLE. THE WORD FINDER located on the website