Definitions For Youngest


YOUNGEST (plural YOUNGESTs) The youngest child in a family, or individual in a group.


Armenian: կրտսեր French: benjamin, m Japanese: 末っ子 (suekko, sc=Jpan), 末子 (masshi, sc=Jpan) Korean: 막내 Maori: whakamutunga, whakapākanga, pōtiki, mutunga, pōhā, pōwhā Spanish: jovencisímo


{{en-superlative of, young}} Most recently begun or formed. : I may be the youngest in my family but I still resent being referred to as the baby. (card games) Receiving dealt cards last, i.e. immediately before the next deal to the eldest.


Armenian: կրտսեր Czech: nejmladší Finnish: nuorin Malay: termuda Maori: muringa Russian: мла́дший, са́мый мла́дший Vietnamese: út, trẻ nhất Volapük: yunikün

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