A New Birth

After being pregnant for  NUMBER months, Rachel's  BODY PART was the size of a  NOUN. She felt as if she was ready to give birth to a  ANIMAL. The time came for the birth at  TIME am when Rachel's  LIQUID broke, while Christopher and Rachel were  VERB. They rushed to the  PLACE in their  MODE OF TRANSPORT. Christopher had forgotten to put on his  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING in the hurry. Rachel was feeling both  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE while Christopher felt  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE. It took  NUMBER  TIME PERIOD to get to the hospital. Breathing  ADVERB, Christopher guided Rachel through the hospital doors where the  OCCUPATION ushered her into a  TYPE OF SEAT. Dr.  NAME came to assess her contractions. He used his stethoscope to listen to her  BODY PART and said everything sounded  ADJECTIVE. After  NUMBER hours, the baby girl was born. She was  NUMBER pounds  NUMBER ounces and was  NUMBER inches long. Everyone could already tell she had Christopher's  BODY PART and Rachel's  BODY PART. Her cry sounded like a(an)  ANIMAL and her hair was surprisingly  COLOUR. Everyone was very  ADJECTIVE at the new birth. Finally Rachel and Christopher announced the name they had chosen...  NAME. THE END