Is That You?

I was walking my  ANIMAL when all of a sudden I saw someone with  COLOR hair, just like my friend  GIRL'S NAME, who moved two towns away. I call out  SAME GIRL'S NAME's name and the girl turned around and saw me. Upon seeing me, she  PAST TENSE VERB toward me. When she got to me she asked if wanted to go to her  BIG EVENT at  PLACE. I told her that I would love to. However, she told me the date was next  DAY OF THE WEEK, when I would have to help  FAMILY MEMBERS' NAME with  VERB their  PLACE. I told her this, and she agreed to move the date to next  DIFFERENT DAY OF THE WEEK instead. She told me she would let her friend  PERSONS NAME know that she moved the date, since that was the only person she had invited besides me so far. Thanking her, I continued walking my  SAME FIRST ANIMAL and thinking about  SAME GIRL'S NAME's  SAME BIG EVENT.