Thanksgiving With The Family

 ADVERB  ADJECTIVE  VERB On Thanksgiving Day, Aunt Jenny, Emily, Ma, Pa, Sammy, Sydney, Lisa, Greg, and Grandma all gathered at our family's house for a day of food, fun, and memories. Once everyone arrived, Ma served up a feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and all the traditional Thanksgiving favorites. While we enjoyed eating and catching up with each other, we also made sure to spend some quality time together by playing games like Pictionary and cards. And, of course, no Thanksgiving is complete without plenty of pie! We all saved room for seconds after dinner, enjoying a slice of pumpkin or blueberry pie together. By the end of the day, we were all full of delicious food and love, and feeling grateful for the time we got to spend with each other. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!