It's Giving... Dinner

On a  ADJECTIVE November morning,  CHOICES CHARACTER 1 started preparing for that night’s  NOUN dinner. All of their best friends were invited, including:  CHOICES CHARACTER 2 ,  CHOICES CHARACTER 3 , and  CHOICES CHARACTER 4 . They decided to make dinner together, because they were all  ADJECTIVE chefs.  CHOICES CHARACTER 1 started stuffing the  FOOD ITEM, when all of a sudden, a horrifying  CHOICES CREATURE jumped through the window.  CHOICES CHARACTER 2 fought off the creature, while  CHOICES CHARACTER 3 decided to begin baking a  INGREDIENT pie. “That smells  ADJECTIVE! It reminds me of the  FOOD ITEM that  CHOICES CHARACTER 5 used to make,”  CHOICES CHARACTER 4 said. Once the friends had finished cooking, it was finally time to  VERB! The dinner conversation was especially  ADJECTIVE that night. The friends talked about how funny  CHOICES CHARACTER 6 was and how they all had a crush on  CHOICES CHARACTER 7. After dinner, they all decided to play  GAME before finally, heading home to  CHOICES LOCATION. It was a night full of giving, thanks, and most importantly,  ACTIVITY.