Cleaning For The Holidays

It's that time of year again: the  HOLIDAY and  HOLIDAY holiday season. You can't wait to decorate with  ADJECTIVE lights, festive  ADJECTIVE garlands, and, of course, a fresh  COLOR Christmas tree. But the decorating can't begin yet - the house is a  ADJECTIVE disaster! First comes the HOLIDAY CLEANING. Before you can begin deep  VERB ING the house, it has to generally be picked up. Here's a quick way to get the  BUILDING in order: First,  VERB all the fabric items (like  SOFT ITEM,  SOFT ITEMS , and  SOFT ITEMS ), and put them in a  ADJECTIVE pile on a  SOMETHING FOUND IN THE HOUSE . Next, collect any trash from the floor, and  VERB it in the  SOMETHING FOUND IN THE HOUSE . After this,  ADVERB take all the books you find to the  SOMETHING FOUND IN THE HOUSE , and place them on it in a/an  ADJECTIVE fashion. Once this is done, take any  ADJECTIVE dishes that are  VERB ING around to the  SOMETHING FOUND IN THE HOUSE . Now, only toys should be left to  VERB . For toys, we have 2  ADJECTIVE rules: 1) Send the kids to  PERSON'S house, then, 2) if it's old and broken,  VERB it away! The other toys can be put in the  SOMETHING FOUND IN PLAYROOM . Finally,  ADJECTIVE sort the fabric items, putting  ADJECTIVE clothes in the  SOMETHING FOUND IN HOUSE ,  ADJECTIVE clothes in the closet or  SOMETHING FOUND IN HOUSE, blankets & pillows on the  SOMETHING FOUND IN HOUSE , and towels in the  ROOM IN HOUSE or  ROOM IN HOUSE . Now you're ready to vacuum, mop, and decorate the  BUILDING !