Day At School

It was a rainy Friday when I entered the  NOUN. Soon I saw other students wearing their lanyards  PREPOSITION their necks and realized that I had forgot to bring my  NOUN. That's when things went from  ADJECTIVE to  ADJECTIVE .  TEACHER'S NAME, the meanest and  ADJECTIVE teacher at Sewanhaka high school, was in the hallway waiting  ADVERB for me. He started  VERB ENDING IN ING at some students a few spaces ahead of me. He got really  ADJECTIVE because they weren't prepared. His face turned  COLOR and he spluttered "  EXCLAMATION! I'm calling your  FAMILY MEMBER !" Oh  NOUN, I thought. I don't have my ID. I'm really in trouble now. If he  VERB my mom, i'll be in deep  NOUN. What was I to do? I had to get out of this situation. I saw my chance when he began to  VERB with a student whose ID card was broken  PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE . I quickly ducked into the  PLACE and rested myself against the wall. I was panting with  EMOTION and  EMOTION . If I got caught, i definitely wont be allowed to go to  BIG EVENT this weekend! "Think" I said to myself  ADVERB .  EXCLAMATION! What if I pretend that I already came into school, and that my bag and ID are in the  PLACE ? It's before school, so I don't really need a  NOUN right? The only problem is that I have my bag with me. Hm.... it was at this moment that my best friend,  PERSONS NAME, came in. I could see that my  PLURAL NOUN were solved.  PERSONS NAME agreed to take my  NOUN for me, and since he had already shown his ID, all I had to do was  VERB that I had already come in. Anyway, to make a long  NOUN  ADJECTIVE , my plan worked  ADVERB . I got away with it.  TEACHER'S NAME never found out, but it scared me enough that i'm not likely to  VERB my  NOUN again soon.