My Crazy Thanksgiving Dinner

Once upon a time, in a  ADJECTIVE house, a family was getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner. The  NOUN was busy in the kitchen,  VERB ENDING IN ING and  VERB ENDING IN ING while preparing the delicious meal. They cooked a gigantic  ADJECTIVE turkey that smelled like  NOUN, and it was so big that it barely fit in the  NOUN. The family set the table with  ADJECTIVE plates,  NOUN, and  NOUN shaped like  ANIMAL. As everyone sat down to eat, they passed around the  ADJECTIVE cranberry sauce, which jiggled like a  NOUN. Uncle  NAME told a  ADJECTIVE joke that made everyone  VERB with laughter. Suddenly, the turkey started  VERB ENDING IN ING and  VERB ENDING IN ING across the table, causing a big  NOUN! In the end, they all had a  ADJECTIVE time and were thankful for the  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE moments shared together on this silly Thanksgiving day.