Wedding Vows For You

, on our first date we took a long  VERB around  PLACE and I explained to you why  FAMOUS PERSON would never, ever  VERB. Over the next few months we  PAST TENSE VERB, and one  ADJECTIVE DESCRIBING TEMPERATURE night in a  TYPE OF VEHICLE I said,  EXCLAMATION. And then everything got awesome. , you realized before I did that you're  ADJECTIVE. You are my  ANIMAL and my  TYPE OF TOOL , my number-one  PROFESSION and the future  NOUN of my dogs. And I vow, going into our lives together as man and wife, to be the best thing that's ever happened to you. I vow to  VERB you as you deserve to be  PAST TENSE VERB, and to treat you like the  ANIMAL that you are, even when you're wearing  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING and a sailor hat. I vow to support your interests and nourish your passions: from  ACTIVITY to  PIECE OF FURNITURE, to  TYPE OF FOOD, up to and including  ETHNICITY  SPORT and glowing  FICTIONAL CHARACTER suits. I vow to take you  ADVERB when you need to be taken seriously, and to laugh with you the rest of the time: because  ABSTRACT CONCEPT is funnier with you by my side. I vow to  VERB you when you are injured, ill or upset, or just when you forget to  VERB yourself. Which reminds me, did you remember to put on  NOUN and drink  BEVERAGE today? I vow to create a household and raise  ANIMALS with you as  PLURAL NOUN and as equals, sharing the burdens and the  ABSTRACT CONCEPT of being a family. I vow to  VERB every  NOUN you  VERB,  VERB every  NOUN you  VERB, and  VERB every  NOUN you  VERB — even the ones that are  ADJECTIVE. And I vow to remain by your side as we grow  ADJECTIVE, to decorate your walker with blinkies, clean the drool off your  COLOR  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING and dance with you to those old-timey  TYPE OF MUSIC at the Old Folks'  TYPE OF PARTY.