Chet Etz Hada'as

This  NOUN discusses the  NOUNs of the sixth day of creation in  ADJECTIVE detail. After Adam was  VERB from the earth, Hashem placed him in a garden just east of Eden. Hashem permitted Adam to  VERB from any  NOUN in the garden, with the exception of the Tree of Knowledge. Adam  VERBed all the animals and birds, and G‑d decided that Adam needed a  PERSONS NAME . Hashem caused Adam to  VERB into a  ADJECTIVE slumber and formed a woman, Eve, from one of his sides. Adam was  VERB with his new mate. The serpent, at the time the  ADJECTIVE est of all animals, sweet-talked Eve into eating from the  FOOD of the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Eve  VERBed the fruit with Adam, and imbued with a new sense of  NOUN and  NOUN, they were ashamed of their  ADJECTIVE and clothed themselves. The  NOUN was quick to come: G‑d cursed the serpent, Eve, and Adam too, with various  NOUN.