Marriage Advice For Emily & Daniel Yaniv

Want some advice that's worth the weight in  MATERIAL ? First, let's be real.  ADJECTIVE disagreements are inevitable and can be as petty as fighting over whether to order  TOPPING pizza or  SOMETHING EDIBLE takeout. Just remember that a(n)  ADJECTIVE partner is a(n)  ADJECTIVE life. And when you act like a complete  SILLY SOUNDING WORD , just apologize! Get in the habit of saying, "  FAMOUS QUOTE !" And if your better half squeezes the  SOMETHING SOFT the wrong way, just be grateful you have such a(n)  ADJECTIVE spouse. Remember to fan the  PLURAL NOUN of romance. Draw up a luxurious  LIQUID bath and light some  SCENT/ODOR scented candles, and offer to massage them with your loving  NOUN.