“I See My Reflection, In You.”

Luis Sánchez Peña Born in Gurabo, Puerto Rico. Luis Was a very  ADJECTIVE child. His dad would always find himself in the middle of his little pranks. One time though, Luis took his prank a little too far and got a very big  VERB . “What were you thinking Luis Felipe Sánchez Peña!” said Luis’s father fuming with anger. “I- I’m sorry I didn’t mean to!” “Do you know how much your grandmother had to work to make that? You broke it like it was worth nothing!” “Alright, that’s quite enough. Look at that little boy, he is about to  VERB !” said Peña’s mother. “When you were a little boy, you did exactly the same.” “Yes, and you scolded me the same too.” Peña said while  VERB the scene. “Come here Luis, come give grandma a hug. U know you are an exact replica of your father, he used to play those silly little pranks on me when he was younger.” “Really? I’m sorry for breaking your  ADJECTIVE vase Grandma.” “Oh! It’s fine. Here, want to come with me to make some more? This one will be even prettier!” “Can  PERSONS NAME come too?” “Of course, mi vida.” In Peña’s head there were too many things,  NOUN, the loan he had to take from the bank, his child. His child. He was too stressed about too many things at the same time and ended up taking it out on his only son. His thoughts were interrupted when little  PERSONS NAME entered the room. “Perdon papá, I was very distracted it wasn’t my intention to break grandma’s vase.” “No, no, I am the one who has to say sorry. I ended up taking my frustration on you. Si papá vuelve a hacer eso tienes permitido regañar a papá. Okay?” “Hehe okay, grandma said we were going to make a new one a prettier one! Are you coming with us?” “I am sorry, I still have some things to do, you go with grandma.” As little Luis exited the room, Peña was left alone. He started thinking about the past, and with a  ADJECTIVE smile on his face he  VERB and said “De tal palo tal astilla.”