Henry The Lumberjack

There was this time when almost every single  NOUN in Puerto Rico were  NOUN. But the best of them all was Henry the Lumberjack. He was the leader of the San German Lumberjacks and the meanest and angry of them all. He was in charge of the most valuable trees in all of Puerto Rico, especially in the San German area. And he had only one rule: Don’t cut the healing trees. The lumberjack  NOUN wanted to  VERB the trees down and  VERB them because of how valuable they were, but they knew that with Henry around they wouldn’t be able to do it.  ADJECTIVE , Henry’s daughter got sick, and he had to  VERB to the hospital. Three months later she died of influenza and Henry got angry and depressed, this made him not  VERB over the healing trees like before. The lumberjack  NOUN saw this as an opportunity to cut down them down, and they did. When Henry found out about this, he  VERB and fired every lumberjack in San German. I guess that “del arbol caído todos hacen leña”.