Be Winter Ready In The PNW!

The wintertime in the Pacific Northwest can be very  ADJECTIVE. The days get shorter and  ADJECTIVE, and it rains all the time! It is good to be prepared for the worst-case scenarios at your  PLACE. The different weather that  VERB in the winter are  ADJECTIVE snowstorms,  ADJECTIVE icy roads, or potentially even  ADJECTIVE power outages. It is also important to not forget that other hazards, like earthquakes and landslides, also can occur at any time of year, which is  ADJECTIVE. To prepare for the outdoors during the winter, it would be good to gather  NUMBER snow shovels,  WORD DESCRIBING FOOD road salt, and  WORD DESCRIBING CLOTHING winter clothing, like layers. Make sure leaves are cleared out of your gutters and that heavy tree branches over your house, parking spot, or property are cut down. You don’t want  A WORST CASE SCENARIO to happen! To prepare for inside, try to prepare to be stuck in your house for multiple days at a time. It’s good to have  WORD DESCRIBING FOOD shelf-stable food, a  COLOR flashlight in areas you sit most, and ways to keep warm and  FEELING WORD. Go to the  STORE NAME to buy these items for a kit to be the most prepared you can be:  CLOTHING ITEM,  FAVORITE FOOD,  CAMPING ITEM, and more!