Cass & Cory's Visit To The Psychic

Hello,  SALUTATION! Please come in. My name is  FIRST NAME  ADJECTIVEson The Psychic. Welcome to my fortune-telling  GENERIC LOCATION. No, no, no–– don’t tell me! You are Cass  1 SYLLABLE WORD BEGINNING WITH 'S'- and Cory  2 SYLLABLE WORD BEGINNING WITH B. Not quite? Oh. Well, things seen through the  ORDINAL NUMBER  BODY PART are a little  ADJECTIVE sometimes. But you get the general idea! Let's sit down and  TRANSITIVE VERB the stars, cards, and crystal  TOY to learn the future of your child-to-be! This child will be born on the  ORDINAL NUMBER 1 31 of August, at  TIME OF DAY. I cannot predict the child's name, gender or favorite  NOUN. However, I can see that they will be known to their friends as The  NOUN & VERBer. During their first  NUMBER, months The  SAME NOUN VERB + ER will be enthralled by  PLURAL NOUN,  PLURAL NOUN and  VERB ENDING IN 'ING'  PLURAL NOUN. In the preschool years, their favorite snack will be  FOOD with  FOOD, and they will insist on wearing a  COLOR  OCCUPATION uniform every day for  NUMBER months. In elementary school, they will receive  ORDINAL NUMBER place in the science fair for an experiment entitled "The  ADJECTIVE Properties of  PLURAL NOUN." Around age  NUMBER, they will discover the joys of  AN ACTIVITY, which will remain a life-long passion. As a teenager,  SAME NOUN VERB + ER will travel with their  ACTIVITY team to  COUNTRY, an experience that will inspire their eventual career in  VOCATIONAL FIELD. Over the course of their life, The  SAME NOUN VERB +ER will live in Brooklyn, New York,  STATE CAPITAL & STATE,  FOREIGN COUNTRY,  DREAM VACATION LOCATION, and  SMALL TOWN, fostering a close community of friends and  ADJECTIVE  LIVING CREATURES, PLURAL where ever they go. They will play a key role as a volunteer  JOB for an agency that will find the cure for  A MALADY and . In their leisure time, The  SAME NOUN VERB +ER will enjoy  ACTIVITY ENDING IN , professional  NOUN  VERB ENDING IN and cooking their signature meal:  ADJECTIVE  PROTEIN with  VEGETABLE, PLURAL in  ADJECTIVE  FRUIT sauce. They will, of course, always remain close to their parents, treating them to  ADJECTIVE vacations every summer and sharing a meal every  INTERVAL OF TIME.