The Three Fish

One Upon a Time, there were Three Fish,  PERSONS NAME,  PERSONS NAME, and  PERSONS NAME were good friends. They lived in a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. One day,  SAME PERSONS NAME was  VERB ENDING ING near the  NOUN and saw some  NOUN. He/She  ADVERB hid the water, but man said, "This seems like a  ADJECTIVE pond to  VERB in. We should  VERB back tomorrow and cast our  PLURAL NOUN here".  SAME PERSONS NAME was  EMOTIONAL FEELING. He quickly  PAST TENSE VERB to  SAME PERSONS NAME and  SAME PERSONS NAME and told them about what he/she heard. He/She said "We should  VERB a  ADJECTIVE place to live". But  SAME PERSONS NAME and  SAME PERSONS NAME just  VERB ENDING ED. "We can just avoid the fishing  PLURAL NOUN We should not  VERB our home."  SAME PERSONS NAME tried to make them understand but they refused to  VERB.  SAME PERSONS NAME gave up and  PAST TENSE VERB to the new place without them. Next Day,  SAME PERSONS NAME and  SAME PERSONS NAME got  PAST TENSE VERB in the fisherman's net. If only they have  VERB ENDING ED to  SAME PERSONS NAME. The End