A Day At School

One day, I woke up and ate  PLURAL FOOD ITEM and  PLURAL FOOD ITEM for breakfast.Then, I put on my favorite  COLOR  CLOTHING PIECE and loaded my backpack with my  PLURAL NOUN. I  PAST TENSE VERB the door open,  PAST TENSE VERB my mom,  PERSONS NAME, goodbye, and was off to school. I nearly missed the bus, and people stared at me  ADVERB when I climbed onto it. I just  PAST TENSE VERB my way to my seat on the bus and  PAST TENSE VERB  ADVERB. At school that day, we made  COLOR paper  PLURAL NOUN and competed with them. For lunch, we ate  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL FOOD ITEM. Afterward, we took off our  PLURAL CLOTHING PIECE to have a dance party and I said, "!" as I stubbed my  BODY PART. Other than that, it was a  ADJECTIVE day.