Buddy Class Spooky Madlib!

Buddy classes got together one day to have a  ADJECTIVE celebration! One was the  PERSON 1 NAME class, the other was the  PERSON 2 NAME class. Every student was so excited to get together they were  VERB ENDING IN ING! When the classes met up in  PLACE they all looked at each other  ADJECTIVE ENDING IN LY. Just then, a mysterious  COLOR mist fell over the room and  ADJECTIVE music started playing. The students looked around to see where the music was coming from, and all of a sudden they saw  PERSON 3 NAME walking through the mist with  PLURAL NOUN! They couldn't do their celebration now, they had to figure out what to do!  PERSON 3 NAME said to the students "Don't be scared, I'll let you celebrate after you answer my two  ADJECTIVE riddles!" The students said  ADJECTIVE ENDING IN LY, "We can do that, we're the smartest kids in the school!" The first riddle said "I protect, I stand tall, my purpose is to strike fear in all. What am I?"  PERSON 3 NAME looked at the students smugly, knowing they wouldn't know the answer. One student thought it might be  PLACE , another student thought it could be  COLOR, but the whole group decided to go with  NOUN.  PERSON 3 NAME laughed an evil laugh and shouted "No! It's a scarecrow!" The students  VERB ENDING IN ED and all looked at eachother, worried they wouldn't be able to celebrate.  PERSON 3 NAME finally stopped laughing and said "Okay, just one more try, here we go!" The students starting  VERB ENDING IN ING knowing that they had already gotten one wrong! As  PERSON 3 NAME threw up their hands in the air they said the final riddle "I have hundreds of ears, but I can’t hear a thing. What am I?" The students all started whispering about what the answer could be, one student thought it was  COUNTRY, another student suggested  PERSON 4 NAME, and one student even said it could be  COLOR. Finally, the quietest student stood up and said, "I know what it is, I am  ADJECTIVE ENDING IN LY confident!" Everyone stopped to look at the student as they yelled "It's a CORNFIELD!"  PERSON 3 NAME yelled out in horror! They had gotten it right! All of a sudden  PERSON 3 NAME started to melt and the mist started to clear. "!" yelled the students, they were free to finally celebrate their  TYPE OF CELEBRATION!