Boog Date Night

At the most  ADJECTIVE restaurant in town,  PLACE, you find yourself sitting across from a rather  ADJECTIVE looking skeleton named boog. You both hit it off instantly, and are feeling  EMOTION going into the evening. After a few  TIME UNIT, the waiter boxman  VERBS over with two  NOUNS for you to look at. it only took boog  NUMBER seconds to know what he wanted, but after reading the  PREV NOUN over again, you were  EMOTION. “-! the only thing on here is…  NOUN..??” Boog is taken aback by this, nearly falling out of his  NOUN, and boxman  VERBS a step back. “Dont tell me you hate it-!!” Boog  TONE OF VOICES, slamming the table with his boney  BODY PART. other guests began to stare, even  PERSON and  PERSON looking up from their intimate meal. You began to  VERB, and stormed out of  OG PLACE, not turning back, even as boog shouted “Fine!!! I cant even  VERB anyways!!” After you. you spent the next few  TIME UNITS with  PERSON bowling, and had an even  ADJECTIVE time than that night couldve ever been. The end.