Today at McCormick, it was a  ADJECTIVE day. I started my morning by sipping on a cup of  BEVERAGE , which tasted like  NOUN, and it instantly made my stomach  ADJECTIVE . My first task of the day was to  VERB , which, of course, involved a lot of  NOUN juggling and  ADJECTIVE thinking. For lunch, I enjoyed a  ADJECTIVE meal of  FOOD, and added my favorite  MKC PRODUCT which we all know is the office's secret to  SUPERPOWER . As I was gobbling down my  FOOD with  MKC PRODUCT , I overheard  PERSONS NAME planning a surprise birthday celebration for the one and only Deanna Dillon! Apparently, the theme is  THEME (her favorite!), and we're all supposed to bring seven  PLURAL NOUN In the afternoon, I had a  ADJECTIVE meeting with  PERSONS NAME about  NOUN, and it quickly turned into a  ADJECTIVE brainstorming session for Deanna's  ADJECTIVE party. We came up with  ADJECTIVE ideas that were so brilliant that Deanna was going to start  ACTION. At the end of the day, I finish my tasks, but the real excitement awaits at  TIME for Deanna's  ADJECTIVE birthday party. There are rumors of  CELEBRITY being there and we will be  ACTIVITY together, and I can't wait to see Deannas 's reaction when she receives the amazing  NOUN that she has been waiting for her whole life! Deanna's favorite gift ended up being the  NOUN painting. I am so happy she had a great time and it was a  ADJECTIVE day at the office!