The Party!

"Yes!" yelled  SOMEBODY'S NAME IN SAME ROOM "I can't wait!"  SOMEBODY'S NAME IN SAME ROOM came in and said "What? Why can you not wait?" "Well, there is this party! I'm invited! I'll invite you!" then  SECOND NAME AGAIN asked "What is there?" Then  FIRST NAME AGAIN responded "There is  IDEM's to play with, and some  THING (MORE THAN ONE) to have fun with! we eat  FOOD and drink  DRINK is gonna be fun! There are  ACTIVITY and stuff, Also there is some  PLACE around there. I got to get ready!" so then they went they put on nice,  PIECE OF CLOTHING that looks good on them! They also have  PIECE OF CLOTHING. They looked like a  LOOK (YOU LOOK LIKE A ___) just then, someone came in. It was  NAME OF NO ONE. (MADE UP)!!! They were so glad! They were soo happy, the felt like  DOING SOMETHING LIKE ! They loved  SAME MADE UP NAME,  (HE OR SHE) was the best! They partied until their mom yelled  COMMAND FROM MOTHER . So they left home. It was dark anyway, Until mother held a belt for being late, they died. THE END >:)