One Spooky Halloween Night

On a spooky Halloween night, a group of friends embarked on a  ADJECTIVE adventure. They wore their  TYPE OF COSTUME costumes and set out into the  ADJECTIVE neighborhood. Their first stop was at a  COLOR  NOUN decorated with  PLURAL NOUN. The  NOUN at the door greeted them with a  ADJECTIVE smile and gave them each a handful of  PLURAL NOUN. They  VERB and continued down the  ADJECTIVE street. At the next house, they were met by a  NOUN  VERB dressed as a  TYPE OF COSTUME . He performed a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN trick that left them  ADVERB amazed. In return, he gave them  NUMBER  TYPE OF CANDY . As they went from house to house, their  OBJECT TO HOLD CANDY grew heavier with  3 TYPES OF CANDY(CANDY,CANDY AND MORE CANDY} . At one house, they encountered a  NOUN  VERB that scared them  ADVERB. They hurriedly  VERB down the  ADJECTIVE street, clutching their  OBJECT TO HOLD CANDY . Finally, they reached a  NOUN haunted house at the end of the  ADJECTIVE street. It was  ADJECTIVE, with  PLURAL NOUN hanging from the  NOUN, and  NOUN jumping out to give them a  NOUN. It was the most  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE experience they'd had all night. Exhausted and filled with  CANDIES , they made their way back home, thinking that Halloween was truly a night of  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE adventures.