An Adventure In Birthing

 MOTHER TO BE stopped everything she was doing when she felt a sudden painful contraction in her  BODY PART. Of course, the first thing she did was go to the  LOCATION and  PRESENT TENSE VERB, to keep her mind off of the discomfort. When the contractions became more frequent,  FATHER TO BE suggested that she  PRESENT TENSE VERB, till she knew for sure if she was in labor. She  ADVERB declined. She was sure it was time to go to the  LOCATION and give birth to her  ADJECTIVE baby. Before leaving she called the  PROFESSIONAL and said she would be leaving right after she  PAST TENSE VERB. Within  NUMBER minutes of hanging up the phone, she was to the point where she could not even  PRESENT TENSE VERB during a contraction. When  FATHER TO BE walked into the  ROOM and saw her on her hands and knees  VERB ENDING IN 'ING', he said “we are going NOW!” and quickly packed up the  VEHICLE and got everything ready. The drive to the  LOCATION was  ADJECTIVE. When arrived, the  PROFESSION examined her. She was  NUMBER cms dilated and the baby's  BODY PART was right there. The  PROFESSION suggested she try  VERB ENDING IN 'ING' through a few contractions. It worked! Her  THING broke.  NUMBER more pushes and a loud  EXCLAMATION later, the baby was born. Baby  BABY'S NAME was so perfect, with a  ADJECTIVE  BODY PART, and  NUMBER fingers and toes. Everyone noticed immediately that the baby had his/her father's  BODY PART and his/her mother's  BODY PART. He/she weighed  NUMBER pounds,  NUMBER ounces and was  NUMBER inches long.