Here At EPAH

A typical day at El Paso Animal Hospital always begins with a/an  NOUN. We see all kinds of animals from  ANIMAL to  ANIMAL, and all of them can be  ADJECTIVE. That's what makes the day  ADJECTIVE. Work would not be the same without  PERSONS NAME, and they make my day  ADJECTIVE. It is not  ADJECTIVE to see  PERSONS NAME wrestling with a large  ANIMAL on the treatment floor trying to do  PROCEDURE - be careful, don't get too close because you might get  NOUNon your  NOUN! We all kind of look like  NOUNwith our matching blue scrubs, but at least its  ADJECTIVE to find your coworkers! My favorite thing about coming to work is  NOUN & my favorite animal to see is  ANIMAL. Between  VERB and  VERB all day, I am  ADVERB  ADJECTIVE when I go home. When I get home, I give my  NOUNa big  VERB and tell them about my  ADJECTIVE day.