Baby Shower - Contractions And Contradictions

 MOM'S NAME wondered if the twinge she felt in her  AREA IN BODY was a contraction. She knew that it should feel like a  NOUN or something similar. How could she be sure? She decided to ask  MOM'S FRIEND and picked up her  NOUN to call. Another twinge stabbed her, but this time it was in her  PART OF BODY, and she knew having two similar pains must mean she was in labor. She decided to call the doctor and picked up her phone. She dialed the number, and when the doctor’s office answered, she asked, “Can I have labor pains in my  AREA OF BODY ?” This confused the receptionist, who tried to understand what  MOM'S NAME wanted. Frustrated, she hung up just as another pain cramped in her  PART OF BODY, and this time, she thought she’d make a  TYPE OF DRINK to sip while she timed the contractions. Over the course of the next  NUMBER hours, she timed her contractions  NUMBER minutes apart. This contradicted everything she’d read about going into labor, so she decided to focus on writing  ADJECTIVE thank you notes. She grabbed a  OBJECT to write with. She worked for about  NUMBER minutes, and her hand began to cramp, so she took a break and decided to change her  NOUN. She opened her closet door and saw a  NOUN inside. She took it out and shook it, before placing it on the bed. She considered wearing it but decided a  ADJECTIVE dress was a better option. Just as she was putting a  ITEM in her hair, another cramp seized her in the  AREA and she decided she better go to the hospital. She called an Uber and by the time it arrived, she felt she was definitely in labor. She got into the car and  PAST TENSE VERB. The driver laughed and  PAST TENSE VERB. She explained she was in labor, and the driver took a shortcut through the  PLACE. This made her very nervous and she asked the driver to pull over and let her out at the  AREA. Once out of the car, she started walking toward the  OBJECT , but realized it was the wrong way. She pulled her phone out of the purse and dialed,  PERSONS NAME to come get her and drive her to the  PLACE. The two of them eventually ended up at the  PLACE where realized she was having contractions, and  PAST TENSE ACTION VERB in an effort to release the  FEELING pain. Eventually, she made it to the hospital and, in  NUMBER minutes, delivered her beautiful baby,  BABY'S NAME