Madison was writing down the answers that her dad, mom and brother, Caleb, had just given her into her journal. "Hmmm, these are going to be fun to look back on some day," she thought to herself. While she finished writing down her notes, Caleb said, "Madison, maybe we should ask YOU some questions, now!" "Okay, that seems fair," said Madison. Caleb decided to ask the first question. "Madison, if you had to dress up as a famous person and walk around school for one day like that, who would you choose to dress up as?" Madison laughed and said, "What kind of question is that...?!" Caleb insisted that it was no different than any of the questions she had asked, so Madison thought for a minute and said, "Well, I guess I would dress up as  FAMOUS PERSON because I think they are  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE ." "Really?" said Caleb. "I didn't think that is who you would choose, but now that mention it, I guess your answer makes total sense!" "Thank you," said Madison. "Okay, I get to go next!" said John, who was driving. "Madison, if you had to give a nickname to someone in this car, what would it be?" Madison's eyes immediately lit up and she said, "Ohh, that's easy! I would give a nickname to  MOM, DAD OR CALEB and it would be  ADJECTIVE  HUMAN BODY PART ." After everyone stopped laughing, Diana finally spoke up. "Alright Madison, looks like I'm the last one to ask you a question." "Hang on, Mom - let me finish writing these other answers down in my notebook," Madison said. Madison quickly jotted down some notes and then told her mom that she was ready to hear her question. Diana cleared her throat and then said, "Madison, if you had to change your name, what would you change it to?" Madison thought long and hard about this. She knew right away what she wanted to change her first name to, but was trying to think of a middle name that would go well with it. She finally responded, "I think I would want to change my name to  PERSONS NAME  PERSONS NAME ." "Oh, that's very pretty," said Diana! By this time, John had turned into a  FOOD restaurant where they could stop for lunch. PART TWO - COMPLETE