
As soon as I got up, I started to get ready to go outside, and I put on everything to go outside to play in the blizzard.  NOUN When I stumbled outside while putting on my boots, I smelled the fresh snow air. It was incredible.  ADVERB I made amazing hot cocoa before I went out, and then, while I was outside, I made gigantic snow angels.  ADJECTIVE My brother came outside with me, and we had a snowball fight. Every time you got hit, it felt like you were getting hit by a huge rock.  VERB As soon as we were done, we started playing more and more; after we went inside, we felt the delightful toasty air hitting our faces; it was like a tropical island compared to outside.  PLURAL NOUN Both of us got into warm clothes and started to look at how amazing every teensy drop of snow was. Each drop of snow made it look so remarkable it was like seeing snow for the first time.  PLURAL VERB We examined how the snow glows white in the trees and how each piece of snow sparkles like a little star. We looked at every piece of grass before, covered with fluffy snow from the sky.  PERSONS NAME We were astonished at how birds don't sink in the snow and how the wildlife lives in the snow.  PLACE My brother and I saw lots of amazing and exciting things, but what astonished us most of all was the icicles on our roof. We would pick them off the roof and lick them because they're fresh. At the end of the day, we saw lots of animals and pretty snow. But we all then sat by the chimney and got warm and cozy. We had lots of fun in the snow, we did a lot of exciting things, now I think we will be snowed in by tomorrow because. It looks like it is snowing cats and dogs. Now all we have to do is find a big green tree.