The Mystical Fairy.

Once upon a time, there was a fairy named  PERSONS NAME who lived hidden away in  PLACE,  COUNTRY. The forest was known for its big trees looming over it completely to hide its secrets from the entire village. The fairy enjoyed the silence as no one dared to enter, however, every now and then, she did experience a bit of sadness. The fairy lived in the biggest tree trunk in the entire forest as she liked knowing that all her  PLURAL NOUN would be safe from any harm. She looked around and although she did own lots of  PLURAL NOUN, no matter how much room they took up, she always felt the trunks void. The fairy decided after days of re-organizing the trunk from top to bottom that she would go out and explore more of the forest, maybe even find a friend or two to  VERB with. She sprung out through a small hollow and flew past trees, bushes, fallen tree trunks, and occasionally some animals but none of them seemed interested in getting to know her. Finally, she reached  PLACE, sitting down on a small rock and taking a deep breath. She sat there for hours, waiting for anyone to come by but as time went by, she felt less and less hopeful.  PERSONS NAME Gathered her items and began to fly away but just as she reached her home, a very unexpected thing happened. Small wings flapped next to her and once she turned, she grinned out of pure joy.  PERSONS NAME The bee was beside her! Without a single word being said, they enjoyed each others presence with a comforting silence.