Animorphs: The Predator

It had been a while since I had done this particular morph, but as I  VERB , I could feel it coming back. I slipped into the opening of the  PLACE and hid in the shadow of a very smelly  PLACE . The first thing that happened was the  ANIMAL FEATURE/BODY PART . It sprouted quickly from my  HUMAN BODY PART and  HUMAN BODY PART and all down my body.  ADJECTIVE , rough,  ADJECTIVE , black  SAME ANIMAL FEATURE/BODY PART AS BEFORE. It grew long on my  HUMAN BODY PART and  HUMAN BODY PART and  HUMAN BODY PART . It was shorter everywhere else. My jaw  VERB forward. I could  VERB the bones in my jaw grind as they  VERB and the nonhuman DNA changed my body. Morphing doesn’t hurt. It creeps you out some times, but it doesn’t hurt. And as morphs go, this one wasn’t  ADJECTIVE . I mean, I still got to keep all my usual  PLURAL HUMAN BODY PART and  PLURAL HUMAN BODY PART and stuff. Not like when I morphed into an  ANIMAL . Or a  ANIMAL . I mean, when I was a  ANIMAL , I was  VERB through a hole in the back of my neck. With this morph I had  PLURAL HUMAN BODY PART , as usual. Only they were a lot bigger. A lot bigger. My  PLURAL HUMAN BODY PART bent forward. My  PLURAL HUMAN BODY PART grew so  ADJECTIVE it was like having a couple of  PLURAL NOUN sitting on my back. I also had an enormous  ADJECTIVE belly and a  ADJECTIVE chest. My face was a  ADJECTIVE , bulging,  ADJECTIVE mask, and my eyes were  ADVERB invisible beneath my heavy  NOUN. I had become a  NOUN.