
Attire: Every princess deserves a/an  ADJECTIVE gown. For Princess Sonoma, we will need  NUMBER yards of  COLOR  TYPE OF FABRIC,  NUMBER buttons made of  NOUN, sixteen inches of heirloom  CITY NAME lace, and finally, to store and transport her vast collection of  PLURAL NOUN, the gown must have  NUMBER pockets. Menu: Princess Sonoma has a highly restrictive diet limited to only  PLURAL SWEET FOOD and  PLURAL SALTY FOOD. The menu should include a/an  ADJECTIVE pizza, a/an  SPICE OR SEASONING milkshake, and  ADJECTIVE cupcakes. When presenting a dish to the Princess, always  VERB to show your  ADJECTIVE respect. Amusement: The entertainment must dazzle and delight! When Princess Sonoma enters,  NUMBER  NUMBER-year-old  PLURAL OCCUPATION dressed as  PLURAL ANIMAL must immediately  VERB on the ballroom  PLURAL FURNITURE, and the DJ must play her Walk On Song,  NAME OF SONG.  PLURAL ANIMAL should perform a monologue from the  ADJECTIVE character in the Princess’ favorite television show,  NAME OF TV SHOW. Party Favors: Each guest shall receive a  COLOR,  MATERIAL pouch filled with  FLAVOR  PLURAL NAME OF TOY.