Old Jerry

They say my office is haunted. My  ADJECTIVE friend says she saw a  ADJECTIVE looking  OBJECT floating in the  LOCATION IN OFFICE. The lights flicker constantly every day at 5pm. I've heard that if you  VERB the halls at this time you'll hear a  ANIMAL NOISE and the sound of a man  VERB. There is also that strange chill in the air near the staircase. One time, I was  ACTIVITY ENDING IN ING in the storage closet and found an old  HOUSEHOLD ITEM with a  ADJECTIVE engraving that read  SONG TITLE. Needless to say, I was freaked!  COWORKER NAME, the office looney, say it's Old  RANDOM NAME. A man who died in the office at exactly 4:58pm. Now he roams the halls past 5pm hoping to finally return home.