U.S. History Unit 1 Test

In the year  YEAR ,  PERSONS NAME sailed across the Atlantic in search of India. When he finally landed, he had not, in fact, reached India, but rather, he found an undiscovered continent.  PERSONS NAME first landed in the islands of the  PLACE . He went back to Spain and reported his findings, and many others followed in his footsteps and sailed across the Atlantic to see what they could see.  PERSONS NAME , an Italian cartographer (map maker) sailed across the Atlantic and discovered that the new land was not India, but some new land. Today we call this land the Americas.  PERSONS NAME , one of Columbus’s original crewmates, went back to America in search of the  NOUN. He thought he would find his prize when he landed in  PLACE , but instead met an untimely death when he took an arrow to the chest. In the year of  YEAR ,  PERSONS NAME was the first man to captain and expedition around the world, though he did not complete the journey himself. He was killed in the  PERSONS NAME after he completed the hard part of the journey.  PERSONS NAME thought that America would one day be a second home for England and took it upon himself to try and settle the continent. His first attempt to settle failed when his men chose to  VERB instead of planting crops. His second attempt was more successful because he sent men over to America with their  PLURAL NOUN . They founded a settlement called  PLACE . In this settlement, the first European baby was born in America, and her name was  PERSONS NAME . The governor went back to England to report on how the settlement fared but was kept there for three years because  COUNTRY attacked England, and so England enlisted all her ships for the fight. After three years had passed, the governor went back to  PLACE , but the whole settlement was missing. The King of England then took it upon himself to found a settlement in America. Led by  PERSONS NAME , a group of settlers landed in Virginia and established  PLACE , named after the king. The natives were kind to the settlers at first, but then grew hostile when they realized that the settlers were there to stay. Chief  PERSONS NAME captured  PERSONS NAME and was about to kill him, when his daughter  PERSONS NAME claimed the prisoner as her own, saving his life. After John Smith went back to England, the settlement underwent hardship in  YEARS . We call this the starving time. The settlers packed up to leave, but before they made it to the Atlantic, ships carrying supplies arrived and saved the settlement. Another group of English settlers went to America, not looking for gold, but seeking religious freedom. Their group took two ships, the  NAME and the  NAME . The  NAME sprang a leak and turned around right at the start, but the  NAME made it all the way to New England. They enacted a code of laws before they reached shore, and founded a settlement named  PLACE . There, they met natives who knew English because  PERSONS NAME , a member of their tribe, had spent time in England. The tribe was called the  NAME tribe. The settlers made a treaty with the tribe to keep the peace, punishing anyone who harmed someone of the other group, and this treaty kept the peace for fifty years.