Persepolis Mad Lib

Persepolis is a graphic memoir by  PERSONS NAME that chronicles her  NOUN in Iran during the Islamic Revolution and the  COUNTRY  COUNTRY War. The story is told from Marjane's perspective, and has  DETERMINER of her signature black-and-white  PLURAL NOUN to bring her experiences to life. Persepolis begins in  YEAR , when Marjane is  NUMBER years old. She lives a privileged life in  PLACE with her  PLURAL NOUN and her  ADJECTIVE grandmother. But her world is  VERB upside down when the Iranian Revolution overthrows the  PERSONS NAME 's regime and establishes a  NOUN Republic. The new government is  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE , and Marjane witnesses firsthand the  NOUN and  NOUN that it inflicts on its citizens. Despite the  NOUN around her, Marjane remains a  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE child. She  VERB everything, from  DETERMINER new government's strict  NOUN laws to the  NOUN that is raging between Iran and Iraq. She also begins to  VERB her own political and social  PLURAL NOUN . As Marjane gets older, she becomes  ADVERB  VERB with the Iranian  NOUN. She  VERB how it has corrupted her  PLURAL NOUN and  PLURAL NOUN , and  PRONOUN is horrified by the violence that it  VERB to perpetrate. She  VERB to leave  PLACE and move to  PLACE, where she can be free to live her life as she chooses. Persepolis is a  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE story about growing up in a time of  NOUN and  NOUN. It is also a story about  NOUN and resilience, and the importance of staying true to  REFLEXIVE PRONOUN .