Coping Strategies At Kaiser Permanente

One day, I was walking through  PLACE when I stumbled across my friend  FRIEND’S NAME. They were having a bad day. They looked at me with tears in their eyes and asked me, "How does a  ADJECTIVE person like you seem so joyful?" I replied, "It takes work! I had to train my brain to use healthy coping strategies. Sometimes I talk to a  NOUN or a therapist. Dancing in my room to  TYPE OF MUSIC can usually help. And my favorite thing to do to get creative --- I love to write about  PLURAL NOUN or feeling  FEELING!" My friend smiled and gave me a  ADJECTIVE hug. Before they went on their way, they asked "Where did you learn about coping strategies?" With a  ACTION VERB, I let them know, "From a seminar with Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre!"