Baking With Brink

Every year during fall, Ms. Brink bakes  PLURAL NOUN for all her friends.  VERB ENDING WITH ING has been a tradition for Ms. Brink for  NUMBER years. The recipe to make her cookies was something  PERSONS NAME taught her. Ms. Brink starts by getting a big  NOUN to mix the ingredients. She adds  FOOD and  FOOD to the bowl. She starts to  VERB them together until they turn  COLOR. The mixture is starting to smell yummy and  ADJECTIVE! After they are mixed up, Ms. Brink is ready to put them in the  NOUN. They have to bake for  NUMBER minutes. After the  NOUN rings, Ms. Brink takes them out of the oven. She lets them cool and wraps them up with  ADJECTIVE ribbons. She can't wait to deliver them to all her  PLURAL NOUN!