How I Actually Died. (Sorry The Other One Was A Accident)

This is the story of how I died. It all happened on a  DAY OF THE WEEK night in  MONTH, at  TIME. I was  VERB THAT MOVES YOU FORWARD from  PLACE, when my  FRIEND/ANIMAL walked up to me and said, “  GREETING WITH SENTENCE  PERSONS NAME” and went to shake my hand. I pulled my hand away, because  DIFFERENT NAME had a reputation of doing  ADJECTIVE things when they shook hands with people. All of a sudden, I was a  NOUN. I only had a  AMOUNT OF TIME to live. I was gonna die!!! Then I heard my friend shouting  A SENTENCE OF TRIUMPH . I was shocked to know that  SAME NAME USED THE SECOND TIME was trying to kill me! Then, with a   NOISE SUCH AS POOF OR SPLAT I was a  SMALL MAMMAL! Then,  SAME NAME USED THE SECOND AND THIRD TIME trapped me in a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN, and  SMALL NUMBER minutes later, I was dumped onto a  OBJECT, and was stabbed with a  ADJECTIVE  OBJECT. Oh the  WORD SUCH AS HORROR OR TERROR! And the worst thing is my ghost is stuck as that of a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN! The end. That is the  ADJECTIVE story of how I died. I hope karma hits my murderer real bad!