We Have Talent

Tonight is the night of the  CITY Talent Show! First up on the big stage is my friend  A GIRL’S NAME. She walked up on the stage and looked  ADJECTIVE. She then started her singing performance on  SONG TITLE. She then  ADVERB  VERB on the stage and sung out “” and finished her performance. Everyone  PAST TENSE VERB to her as the next person up was a friend named  PERSONS NAME. He was very  ADJECTIVE while he  PAST TENSE VERB up on the stage holding a  NOUN. He made everyone believe he could  VERB it in the span of one  MEASUREMENT OF TIME. He made everyone say “three, two, one, GO!” and then moved his  PLURAL BODY PART  ADVERB and then held it up with not even a side  PAST TENSE VERB. He  ADJECTIVE everyone! Finally, was me. I had a plan in mind where I would do a  ADJECTIVE dance to the song  SONG TITLE, moves matching the words! As I went on to the  NOUN, as the music began to play, I  PAST TENSE VERB my  PLURAL BODY PART in the  NOUN and  PAST TENSE VERB across the stage to  VERB everyone! When my performance was over, everyone  PAST TENSE VERB at me and thought my performance was  ADJECTIVE!