My Summer

This summer, I  PAST SIMBLE VERB to my home in  COUNTRY. My  NOUN home lasted nearly  NUMBER hours! Thankfully, my seat had a lot of  PLURAL NOUN... When I got home, I was able to visit my family. I stayed with my mom, my dad, and our  ANIMAL,  NAME. It was so  ADJECTIVE to see them! We went to the northern part of  COUNTRY for a vacation with the rest of my family. They came from all over the  PLACE; Colorado, France, and more places... After this, I went to  VERB at  BODY PART doctor. I worked a lot, but  ADVERB, I was able to  VERB and save money! Since there are so many  PLURAL NOUN where I live, I made sure to go to the  PLACE with my  PLURAL NOUN and family as much as possible. It was so  ADJECTIVE to lay in the  NOUN and enjoy the  NOUN with a  ADJECTIVE bowl of  NOUN. Summer always goes by so  ADVERB, and this one was no exception. Before I knew it, I was back in  PLACE!