RAD Goes To The Moon

On a  ADJECTIVE day in the summer,  PERSONS NAME,  PERSONS NAME, and  PERSONS NAME decided to go on a trip. First they decided that they needed to go for a quick  VERB. Then they went to the  PLACE to buy some  COLOR  NOUN. After they left, they knew they were still not ready for their adventure. They decided to make a stop in  COUNTRY first. When the group got there, they were excited to find out that  PERSONS NAME and  PERSONS NAME were there waiting for them. They got into their  COLOR car and headed back to the  PLACE. They needed to buy  NUMBER  NOUN. They loaded up the car and headed to NASA! They got loaded up in a spaceship and headed to the MOON! Someone needed to drive the ship. The ship was  COLOR on the inside and had  NUMBER buttons and controls. Nobody knew what buttons to push! They decided together that they should try to  VERB in place to help them think of some better ideas! It didn't work out too well for them because then  NUMBER  NOUN fell out of the ceiling in the spaceship. AGH!!!!! They had to think quick and duck and cover underneath the  NOUN. Lucky for them it kept them safe. They craweled out and decided to try again with the buttons. They took a vote on who should try again to drive the ship. They decided that  PERSONS NAME should be the one to try this time! They pushed  NUMBER buttons to try and make it work this time, and this time they had LIFT OFF! The spaceship headed towards space for them to land on the moon. As soon as they lifted off, they realiized they brought  NUMBER  NOUN instead of any food! Oh no!! What are they going to do? All of a sudden there was a  ADJECTIVE flash of  NOUN. Then they all woke up from the crazy dream!!