Apple Picking For Apple Pie

It was a very  ADJECTIVE Fall day when  NAME decided to go apple picking. They  VERB, PAST TENSE down to the apple orchard and could smell the cooked  FOOD in the air. After  NUMBER of hours they stumbled upon a  COLOR apple, it was quiet  ADJECTIVE.  SAME NAME brought it to the cashier who was dressed as a  COSTUME and told them that the  ADJECTIVE apple would cost  NUMBER dollars! It was a tough choice but they really wanted to make  ADJECTIVE Apple Pie for everyone back at home. After buying the  SAME COLOR apple they  VERB, PAST TENSE home and started gathering the ingredients for their famous apple pie. They needed flour, eggs, cinnamon and their secret ingredients  FOOD and  FOOD. After another  NUMBER of hours the pie was ready to go!  SAME NAME tried a big bite and it tasted  ADJECTIVE. “!” They shouted! It was the best apple pie they have made, yet!