CATs Errywhere

The month was  MONTH and the weather was  ADJECTIVE. In  PLACE, the weather  PAST TENSE VERB outside. The sky was  COLOR and a  COLOR cat was  VERB-ing across the street. You decided to  VERB the cat to  VERB where it went. You rounded the corner just as  CAT TEAM MEMBER'S NAME came from the opposite direction. They  PAST TENSE VERB your name but you pretended to not hear them. They shouted your name  NUMBER more times but you just kept  VERB-ing the cat. The cat ran down to  PLACE, into a  THING. You  PAST TENSE VERB. The world went  COLOR and you went unconscious. All of the sudden you came to in  COUNTRY. You took  NUMBER deep breaths and opened your eyes. You were surrounded by cats. Cats were  VERB-ing,  VERB-ing and  VERB-ing. Cats were  PLURAL PROFESSION,  PLURAL PROFESSION,  PLURAL PROFESSION. You couldn’t believe your  PLURAL BODY PART ON YOUR FACE!