Dear Body

Dear Body I want to take the time to tell you to a few things about how I feel, things I usually forget to mention. I’m sorry for the times I’ve  THING YOU ARE SORRY FOR , the times I've not taken care of you, and for all the times I’ve wished you were anything but what you are. I am so very sorry. There are so many parts that I used to hate, but I’m learning to love: Your  BODY PARK YOU ARE LEARNING TO LOVE that  POSITIVE THING THAT BODY PART DOES FOR YOU, EG: ARMS THAT HUG LOVED ONES , your  ANOTHER BODY PART THAT YOU ARE LEARNING TO LOVE that keeps  POSITIVE THING BODY PART DOES FOR YOU ,  ANOTHER BODY PART THAT YOU ARE LEARNING TO LOVE that  POSITIVE THING BODY PART DOES FOR YOU . I am so very grateful for all that you are and all that you do. You've been with me through thick and thin, and I want to acknowledge your unwavering support. You have overcome a multitude of struggles that were meant to destroy you, and you are still here despite it all. I vow to always  PROMISE TO YOUR BODY and treat you with the utmost respect. Together, we're a team, and I promise to  ACTION VERB you with love. You are not just a body, but a symbol of  POSITIVE QUALITY and  POSITIVE QUALITY . I promise to remember that you are worthy of all the love and kindness in the world. As I look at the photos from my photoshoot, I see a  POSITIVE QUALITY and  POSITIVE QUALITY version of myself, thanks to you, my incredible body. I will hang this letter and those photos as a reminder of our journey together. I am so very grateful I get to experience this beautiful world together, living full and imperfect. Thank you for always being by my side. Xoxo  YOUR NAME