How The World Ended

Once upon a time in  PLACE a(n)  ANIMAL pissed on  PERSONS NAME. They were very  FEELING when this happened. Then, randomly  VERB ENDING IN ING  ANIMALs started falling from the sky. This further  PREVIOUS FEELING ENDING IN ED them. Suddenly  PERSONS NAME started choking on  PERSONS NAME. Everyone was astonished. What the-  EXCLAMATION they yelled in sync.  PERSONS NAME was so  EMOTION they had a heartattack that caused a  NATURAL DISASTER! "DUCK!"  PERSONS NAME yelled as a huge  ITEM FOUND IN BATHROOM flew towards their  BODY PART. "HELP! I'M HAVING AN ABORTION!" Some  ADJECTIVE pregnant  GENDER yelled.  PERSONS NAME started seizing inside of the pregnant person because, oh yeah, they were the baby. Turns out it wasn't a baby, it was actually a wild  DANGEROUS ANIMAL named  DANGEROUS ANIMALS NAME. Yeah but as we said, the person was having an abortion so the creature crawled out of the  REPRODUCTIVE PART. The strange creature started screaming "I want to suck your BOOBIES!" "NUMMY  WORLD ENDING IN Y NUMMY" then the world fucking exploded. Random  STRANGE BODY PART PLURAL and  STRANGE BODY PART PLURAL started FLYING everywhere. And everyone lived happily ever after. THE END! GAY BALLS!!!!