Alice B

Today is Alice B's birthday! The party will be at  PLACE at  TIME. It's going to be  ADJECTIVE. She's going to invite her  ADJECTIVE friends and her  RELATIVE,  PERSONS NAME. She has lots planned! First, the games: Pin the tail on the  ANIMAL, musical  PLURAL NOUN, and a pinata shaped like a  NOUN. The pinata is filled with lots of  NOUN. Of course, every good party needs  ADJECTIVE food! Alice chose edible  PLURAL NOUN, pizza with yummy toppings like  NOUN and  NOUN, and a  ADJECTIVE  FLAVOR cake. It wouldn't be a party without gifts!  PERSONS NAME gave her a plastic  NOUN from  COUNTRY, and  PERSONS NAME gave her a gift card to  STORE for $  NUMBER. Her favorite gift of all, though, was the  COLOR  NOUN that  PERSONS NAME gave her. What a  ADJECTIVE gift! All in all, Alice had a  ADJECTIVE time, and so did all of her guests.