Andrew And Naomi's Love Story

It all started one  ADJECTIVE night at a  GROUP OF PEOPLE  ACTIVITY night. For  PERSONS NAME is was  NOUN at first  NOUN,  PERSONS NAME was not quite as  ADJECTIVE . When they re-met  AMOUNT OF TIME later,  PERSONS NAME was  ADJECTIVE when he gave her a pack of gum. Their first date was to Panera and that was where their dunkin' addiction started. After 8 months, they decided they couldn't live without each other. Andrew planned a romantic walk in the park where he would pop the question. They walked to the covered bridge and when she saw it all, her reaction was, "What?!" He read her a romantic love letter and then got down on one knee and asked, "Will you marry me?" She replied, "Yes!" And so their short engagement began! We are now ?? days away from their big day and neither of them could be more thrilled!