You Make The Magic Happen!

It was a  ADJECTIVE day when  PERSONS NAME learned they could do magic! They were getting ready to go to  PLACE when they  PAST TENSE VERB and  COLOR  PLURAL NOUN came out of their  BODY PART! "Wow!" they exclaimed! "I have never done that before! That is so  ADJECTIVE!" Wondering what else they could do, they  PAST TENSE VERB ,  PAST TENSE VERB , and  PAST TENSE VERB and were amazed by the  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN,  PLURAL NOUN , and  PLURAL NOUN that filled the room around them. Just as they were about to  VERB  NUMBER  PLURAL NOUN into existence, they heard a  ADJECTIVE  SOUND growing in volume. They woke with a jolt to their normal bedroom. "What a/an  ADJECTIVE dream", they thought. As they got ready for the day, they didn't notice the little  PLURAL NOUN under their bed that hadn't been there the night before. Maybe they are magic after all.